Stranded in Chicago!

WOW! It has been such a long time since I have had time to write an update! As you can probably tell, I have time now because I am stuck in the Chicago airport because my flight into S. Carolina was cancelled due to fog! But no worries! This gives me time to continue to work on my interview for Miss America and to catch up on emails and other things!

Since I updated last, I have been doing so many things! Some highlights were attending the Festival of Trees fundraiser for the Liberty Place in Hamilton, Montana. The Liberty Place benefits people with brain injuries. This was such a touching event for me, for it continued my work that I did with patients with brain and spinal chord injuries at Craig Hospital in Denver. It was such a pleasure to meet the patients. They are so inspirational, and their comments to me were so kind, that I even cried!

It was also a pleasure to attend Pine Creek School for the day. Pine Creek School is such an amazing place! It is seriously a one-room schoolhouse! The students were so much fun! They all drew pictures for me and even played part of their Christmas Concert for me! I really hope that I am able to visit them again!

I am continuing to enjoy my partnership with Whittier school in Bozeman. Whittier school provides so many amazing opportunities for its students including allowing them to set up a savings account at a local bank. I was able to promote this endeavor and speak about the importance of learning how to save at a young age.

I have also been spending a lot of time meeting with all of my Miss America coaches–who I LOVE! I will be sad when this is all over because I have enjoyed working with all of them SO much. It is so neat to think that a girl from Montana is able to make connections with these top-notch coaches. Whatever happens, I have no doubt in my mind that I am prepared! That is such a great feeling! 🙂

Right now I am on my way to S. Carolina to pick-up my wardrobe for Miss America! On my way home, I am stopping through Houston to meet again with my Miss America coaching team, before I head home to provide Christmas cheer to the kiddos at the Children’s Hospital in Helena!

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season!



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